Tuesday, May 19, 2009


We just had an aftershock a few minutes ago, a 4.1, per the seismologist on the news. I'm not too happy about the ground shaking under my feet. In fact, it wasn't the ground under my feet, since I live upstairs on the second floor.

The earthquake on Sunday night was definitely worse. I heard all my kitchenware tinking and clanking, things falling, stomach churning.

I know, I live in the big CA so I should be used to earthquakes. Well, I'm NOT! :) Thankfully, no one was seriously hurt (at least I don't think so).

Leroy lived under the bed for hours...until he was hungry.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Breaking Through

Ever have one of those days? When things go beyond your expectations and you get a glimpse of the life you are aspiring to live? (Going to live is much better)

Today started just like any day. My day starts when I want it to, since I'm not working for corporate America anymore. I think my eyes opened somewhere around 8:45am :0) Sigh!

I had a short to do list: to run some errands in and out of the house and to check up on my emails, tweets, blogs and to listen to a BlogTalkRadio show in the afternoon. Since yesterday went well, having accomplished all I wanted to, I figured today would go about the same.

I was reading something on the computer when the phone rang. I heard from the answering machine that it was a call sent through my listing as a life coach on an online advice service.

It ended up being my first call with my first client! Specifically, my first PAYING client, lol. (I've already lived through years of unpaid internship) I have finally crossed through the door. Here's one income stream that I've been working on for quite some time and I can actually make use of my degree.

I made a little dent in my entrepreneurial progress! After the call I took a little time to consider my next move in a different business I am in the middle of developing. I'm still just not ready to talk about it.

I will tell you though, it has been quite a quantum jump for me to change my life completely from the inside out. I've been percolating for many, many moons on what I can do that would be FUN, that would HELP others, bring together COMMUNITY--basically help people to connect while promoting what they do.

That's enough for now. The big thing that happened today, happened after my coaching call.

I was listening to Georgiann Kiricoples' radio show, Breaking Through, on BlogTalkRadio. She had as her guest, Dannion Brinkley, the author of Saved by the Light and Secrets of the Light.

It occurred to me to call in so that I could ask questions about my mother, who passed away almost 15 years ago. I called in expecting to be placed in a queue and to 'maybe' be selected to speak with Dannion on the air.

Thing is, I was selected almost immediately, as I was stuffing my mouth full of taco chips. Timing was never my forte, to be sure. Surprised and bewildered, I was on the air--crunch, crunch!

Not what I was expecting, exactly. I've been wanting to explore what it would be like to get 'out there' and talk to an audience since I'm more of a dip-your-toe-in-the-water-and-see-how-it-feels type person. It was definitely a catalystic (word doesn't really exist) experience!

Georgiann is an amazing and poised radio host. She's never without words, always cordial and interesting to listen to. (Check out her radio show on www.georgiann.com.)

As we both talked about our experiences with loss and death it became clear that Dannion was not going to make it due to other obligations. I figured that it would be a good time to say goodbye and hang up, but, somehow Georgiann kept me conversation.

Very good experience for me...to see how a professional works a show when things don't go exactly as expected. While I was feeling tongue tied and entirely comfortable, Georgiann kept the momentum going discussing Dannion's work with death and dying and his website www.TheTwilightBrigade.com.

It really felt like a phone call...because that's what it is, but, I knew that it was being aired to those listening in on the internet radio show. Once I got that thought out of my mind, it wasn't so bad. The important thing I noted was the necessity for a backup plan and extra content to talk about.

At the end of the show Georgiann was so kind to offer me Dannion's latest autographed book, Secrets of the Light. How cool was that? I liked that I accomplished something without actually planning it out. The opportunity materialized as though it was meant to be. So, I guess I sort of did my own kind of breaking through.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Cat Bite, Birthday and *Disneyland*

It's now 16 days after the infamous cat bite and my thumb is practically healed through. I have a very short nail since I cut it down, but there's not much nail damage remaining.

I was on a generic of Augmentin for 7 days after the IV meds. Now there's just a bit of tenderness, especially when using pressure--mainly from trying to pop a pill out of the plastic and foil type packaging. Yay! It's over :)

I went to the happiest place on earth on my birthday!!! Disneyland was FUN! It always is, especially when you haven't been there for awhile. However, it was CROWDED and it was on a MONDAY in May, before school is technically over.

1 hour waits in lines, even the line to get IN the park. Yeah, it was still fun, but I'm not much into lines and long term gratification at amusement parks. But, I did get in F.Re.E since it was my birthday...check it out online. You need to sign up in advance and print out the certificate to show them at the entrance.

And, believe me, it helps to cut the cost if you are going with others. Adult entrance is $69.00 and children up to 10 are $59.00 each. Since I went with a friend we divvied the one ticket so we both paid around $35.00...not bad...and California residents get a two-fer, which means you can go back within 30days to see California Adventure, a newer attraction that Disney added to their park. I guess it's not that new anymore, but it is for me. I'm looking forward to it!

So, I'll be b-a-a-ck for a second round in a couple of weeks. One more thing...the economy can't really be that bad since Disneyland was full of people, mostly families in fact...and it isn't even summer yet. Perhaps it was everyone's birthday? ;-D

Friday, May 1, 2009

Partnerships Past

The impending partnership between Chrysler and Fiat brought me back to the 80's when AMC merged with Renault, creating the Renault Alliance car. It seemed like a good thing at the time. It was 1983. I was in my 20's.

All I know is that I wanted that car! I really wanted the convertible, but, had to settle for the sedan version. My car looked just like the one on the left...even the cinnamon color.

I thought it was beyond cool. I wouldn't be caught dead in it today. However, my taste in cars, as well as in men had a lot of growing up to do. Looking back, I made two flawed choices: the boyfriend and the car.

Both are history. I bought the car because of the boyfriend. I no longer have either. Let me tell you about the car.

The first thing I should have taken seriously was the steering wheel. It was always crooked so if I were to straighten it out while driving I'd end up in the next lane. No big deal, I thought.

I remember that it died on me on the way home from work one night, about 2 in the morning. I was driving on La Cienega through Ladera Heights, you know, where it's dark and desolate and kind of creepy. No cell phones, at least I didn't have one at the time. That's when you had to wait for someone to stop and hopefully call a tow-truck for you.

Yeah, the details are vague, but I do remember a few stoppers by and eventually getting the help I needed. There were other events, but I really don't remember much else save for the last day I drove my car to work.

That was the day it caught on fire for no apparent reason. I was on my way to work, driving on the 405 North towards the La Cienega off ramp when I saw tendrils of smoke rising from the hood of my car. I thought I even saw a lick of flame coming through the seam where the hood meets the fender.

My first thought was that I was imagining things, but then I really saw fire. I pulled over fast and jumped out of my car...grabbing purse, airline i.d....(crazy me) and ran like hell. Poof. My car became a little inferno on the side of the freeway.

You know how it is, driving by the poor soul who is pulling their hair watching their car torch into a beautiful blazing bonfire. That was me.

All I know is that there are some very good Samaritans on our highways. I received all kinds of help, again, without a cell phone or any other technological gadget save for the roadside phone box. Humanity can be a beautiful experience, just watch out what car you buy.

I hated that car. The Renault Alliance was supposed to be a merger of European design and American ingenuity. Poor design made it self destruct.

About 6 months after my car spontaneously combusted I received a recall letter stating there was a risk of fire due to faulty electrical issues. Yeah, well, good riddance.