Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Change is good (my new and continuing mantra). I am looking forward to many changes in my life and in the world around me. Without change life would be boring and repetitive with very little to look forward to. Not that it's easy, mind you...

My last posting took me almost a month to publish. It was just sitting there in my list of posts, waiting patiently for me to climb out of my pool of denial. I go swimming there once in awhile, lol.

It has taken me awhile to accept and embrace the idea of moving forward. Leaving my airline job was the hardest thing I've done in a long time, maybe one of the most important actions I've taken in my whole life.

To be kind to myself, I took some time off to float awhile--and--a month sabbatical has done wonders for my psyche. The thought of living on a fixed income for the meantime is not so scary anymore. And, I am reconnecting to my creativity! I thought I had lost it somewhere in the terminal at LAX.

Because I am involved in a Law of Attraction mastermind group, I have been working steadily on creating abundance, peace and gleefulness in my life. It's so much fun! Life is really very enjoyable once you get the hang of it.

This is all I feel like posting for now. I'm hungry and I want to play :) I will return tomorrow with real content for this blog--even though I am not doing this for anyone else than myself. I do have a lot to say, though.

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