Sunday, October 26, 2008

Change is Good

Well, at least that is what I keep telling myself. In less than 2 months I will be a free agent: no job, no timeclock, no work policies, Yep. I am looking for work that I can do while I put together my online travel business. More on that in a later post.

My goal is to have more than one stream of income and to be entirely free of a traditional work schedule. From one extreme to the other. I believe it is not only possible, but, that I will be living my dream well before the end of 2009.

Now, to reinvent my life, to uproot and completely reorganize my belief system. Wheee! Not really so difficult...

I belong to 2 MasterMind groups that have me thinking outside of the box---really looking at my life and my purpose from the perception that WE CO-CREATE everything! What we think--IS. Total responsibility for everything we are, do or have.

Interestingly enough, once I started to place my focus on what is important to me and what I desired to be, do or have in my life, things began to shift. A shift in consciousness? Yes.

I'm really loving it. And, I'm really enjoying the celebration with those who believe the same. Not so much with those who don't. Negativity is difficult to stomach, and pessimism, fearfulness. I have enough of my own that I'm unloading!

I just saw a quotation that I like: 'Some things have to be believed to be seen'. Ralph Hodgson

I believe I will achieve ;)

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